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Lentil as Anything is a community organisation that supports disadvantaged people through training, employment, housing, food and social support. As a not-for-profit organization, we struggle to find the resources to manage our business operations and rely on the generosity of professionals such as LawLive.

We are very appreciative of the support LawLive has provided. Not only were the staff gracious when we asked for assistance, they were eager to help

Jeremy Carmody - Lentil as Anything
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Customise your document

Employee Bank Account Information

Employee Bank Account Information
Document Type: Microsoft Word
Build Time: 3 Min

Build your professionally drafted Employee Bank Account Information using our unique document customisation system. It's Easy… Answer a series of simple questions with help provided. Have your document delivered in minutes, and make modifications online after reviewing your document.

Help is provided throughout the building of your document.

Most of the document information can be modified by you after purchase, or if you have any special requirements for clauses to be included, excluded or modified the LawLive team can make those adjustments for you at no additional cost.

Documents can be saved throughout the building process and resumed at a later time or date

Unsure what you need for employment? Try LawLive's new Employment Packs; Save 35% and get a wide range of documents required by employers.

This is a standard form to be filled in by a new employee setting out Bank Account Information so that wages can be paid by electronic deposit.

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